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“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.”  ― Winston Churchill

Where We Belong

Where We Belong - Emily Giffin SOMETHING BLUE and SOMETHING BORROWED are on my keeper shelf.

I loved how Giffin created not-so-perfect characters who engage in less than optimum behavior, and yet she still made me care deeply about what happened to them.

However, I became less and less enchanted with her work with each subsequent book. I went from auto-buying the hardback, to waiting for the paperback, to putting the newest book on hold at the library, to maybe checking the book out from the library, maybe not. HEART OF THE MATTER worked my last nerve: the character were passive, the plot non-existent, the writing melodramatic and the emotion manufactured.

Where We Belong is just yet another slide down the scale from the heights of SOMETHING BLUE. So my relationship with Giffin is now over for good. Hey girl, it's not me, it's you.